Garden Time! And a New Post at The Gardening Habit
Here in the UK Spring has really sprung! There’s a new scent in the softer air, a scent full of promise of good things to come. No longer the damp petrichor of autumn or the biting winds of winter, instead a welcome feeling of hope and happiness as we all emerge from our winter hibernation.
It was with a spring in my step too that I went to the nursery at the weekend to seek out some tulip bulbs and alpines - the tulips to go in pots or a border, and the alpines to go in the long-neglected planting strip atop a drystone wall which I created back in 2018 (you can’t rush these things!!) and where a self-seeded cowslip had inspired my planting ideas. I was like a kid in a sweet shop and soon gathered together a whole trolley of beautiful little plants including deep red as well as pink and white mounds of Saxifrage, white Artemisia and a favourite of mine Cerastium tomentosum (the aptly named Snow-in-Summer), together with cheery yellow Primula veris, purple tulips, some ground cover Euphorbia and a fair few other delights.
This morning I planted them up joyfully in more glorious spring sunshine, a fat lone bumblebee buzzing expectantly around me as I did so and glorious birdsong filling the air. I topped the border up with beautiful loamy soil fresh from my cold compost heap (a gardener’s must) and then stood back to see how pretty and loved it now all looks. Why did I wait so long, I wondered, and came up with no particular answer beyond the fact that gardens are always evolving, things come and go, you get distracted by other areas more demanding of your attention and a load of other things in between…
I made a little pact with myself to make more time for gardening this year as it truly is such a simple joy: creating and connecting with nature is the perfect antidote to the normal rush of our daily lives and such an easy way to find peace and an overwhelming sense of wellbeing.
I would also like to invite you to visit my gardening blog, The Gardening Habit, where I will attempt to be rather more regular in the writing of posts this year! You can find my latest one here where I am noting the seasonal changes in the garden and the joy that this yearly cycle of nature brings, together with the more frustrating aspect of growing vegetables in a cold climate. I hope you enjoy my green ramblings and will pop back regularly to see what’s going on - that in itself is an incentive for me to keep gardening and keep writing!
Hoping the sun is shining on you too today, wherever you may be 💛💚