What have I been doing these past few weeks? Well.....
....I have been entertaining friends in the hills of the High Peak and the flatlands of the French Landes;

I have been plunging through aquamarine Atlantic waves;
and wandering the streets of Bordeaux;

I have been visiting family and celebrating Easter and N's birthday in Sussex;

I have been chugging down the Thames on a boat in the sunshine with a glass of red wine in my hand, good food in my stomach, and sunshine and bunting all around;

I have been walking through Cornish gorse and granite, picking wild garlic, feeling sand between my toes and the warmth of friendship in my soul;

I have watched the Royal Wedding;

I have been packing and unpacking; cleaning and cooking; gardening and studying.

I have been slowly recovering after months of lingering illness; I have laughed, I have cried, I have comforted and cajoled.
But most of all, I have had special times in an April filled with sunshine.

Hope yours was good too.
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