Sign of the Times

Tuesday 11th May, 2010

Well, this is all very jolly, isn’t it? I have been listening to the news tonight and watched how the media have got themselves into an absolute frenzy over this Conservative-LibDem coalition government thing. There is no doubt that it is hugely historic – nothing like this for 70 years or more and in times of peace not war. But, as ever, there is endless cud-chewing and weeping and wailing and question posing and interrupting of answers – no-one is giving the situation a moment to settle. The only key thing to take on board and appreciate at the moment, as far as I can see, is that a decision has been made by three people: Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg. Gordon Brown has done the only viable thing and resigned; David Cameron, as the winner of the election (albeit without a majority) is therefore now Prime Minister, however suddenly and unexpectedly; Nick Clegg has done the only sensible thing and signed up with the ruling party. You can argue forever about which party has most sold itself down the river. That’s not really the point. Cameron and Clegg are actually just being quite level-headed and mature about it all (which is refreshing in itself when it comes to politics) and have accepted their slightly compromised situation and are now trying to make the best of it in the most positive and forward thinking way that they can. As it stands with the current electoral system, the people of this country effectively gave Labour a vote of no-confidence. Whether the LibDems sided with them or not, they were in a weak and untenable position.

As a country, we have not been in a situation like this in an age of such media scrutiny. We are sailing new political waters. We are, ironically, suddenly a little more like some of our European counterparts. Personally, I think it is quite exciting – and it will certainly be interesting. My God we needed a shake up and By God, we got it. And if it fails, I suspect it will be the media who will be significantly to blame.


Pondside said…
We've had minority governments over here a number of times. It seems to me that there is more actual work done in parliament when there's a minority. Everyone has to cooperate and be on their toes. You're in for some interesting times on your side of the pond!
Gone Back South said…
I also think it's rather marvellous - I've been gripped by the whole thing. Let's hope, hope and hope some more.
Carah Boden said…
Thank you for your comments - and yes, I'm getting more excited by the minute. It finally seems that there is a Government which really wants to achieve something good and is REALLY prepared to put aside some differences to get there. It won't be without its problems but it looks like there is a real commitment to try and make it work. I think Nicky boy and Dave will have a ball together! I'd certainly rather share the responsibility of getting us out of our mess rather than have it all on just my shoulders alone. Two heads are better than one, after all.
The bike shed said…
Well said, I agree with all that.

I met a Lib Dem supporter yesterday who was dismayed. 'What did you expect ' I asked? Surely you din't think they would get enough votes to govern; it was always going to be a coalition wasn't it?

In a funny sort of way I'm looking forward to budget cuts too - a bit like when you actually want to diet after you know you've put on a bit too much weight. I also don't want my kids to be paying tomorrow for what we consume today.

I've been away from the blog a while but hope to back soon
Val said…
I'm quite interested to discover what will happen as the months (and years) pass. It looks good at the moment.
I could have written this to the last letter! I am glad they have decided to pull a coalition together and wish the media would just back off a bit and give it a bit of time to settle, which of course they won't.
Cheryl said…
We are watching things over here in Australia too. With a Federal election due and a rising tide of support for The Greens, it is all becoming much more interesting. Enjoy your blog and will follow with interest. Am considering a political blog - more to juggle but well...
Mary Lou said…
ANd on THIS side of the pond, Senators are switching parties just to get re-elected, and the people are voicing their feelings by not re-electing anyone! I think WE are gonna have an exciting election too. Now to see if the PRESIDENT gets re-elected. HRMMMMM Maybe a clean sweep would be a good thing. It is a given that the ones in their seats NOW are not doing anything.

We are living in interesting times!
DeCastron13 said…
You have some cool pictures

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