Things that Go Croak in the Cellar

I went down to the cellar yesterday morning to find these three little poppets waiting for me when I opened the door. They stood stock still. A minute sibling was crushed and dessicated nearby. I scooped them up and took them outside, one by one, and put them on the edge of the stone trough by the spring.

Hard to spot, aren't they?

I tried another angle:

And another to let the boys at the back be seen:

The toad watch signs are currently out on the lane out of our village as it passes the reservoir. This is a popular crossing point for toads on their way from breeding ground to water's edge. For more information on the migration of toads, you may want to have a look at this site:-

I'm now just trying to figure out what they are doing in my cellar. And that's not even where I keep the wine...


Pondside said…
Tree frogs, rough skinned newts - they're all on the move over here. Signs are posted and everyone takes care as the little critters make it from a pond on one side of the road to one on the other. Why not stay in the same pond?
I had a pond full of frogs spawn earlier this year, then full of tadpoles, but now apparently no frogs. Having seen how stunningly well your toads are camoflaged I am wondering whether I have just failed to spot them!
Maggie Christie said…
Adorable creatures! I love toads and frogs too. Sadly I see so many corpses on one particular stretch of road round here. I suppose some of them must make it though. Lovely to see those three.
Working Mum said…
I would have run screaming from the cellar, having a big frog/toad phobia!!
Carah Boden said…
Hello everyone and thank you for your comments. I haven't seen the little fellas since so I hope they're safe and sound somewhere...
Val said…
I love toads and frogs.

We moved from London to Wales a few years ago. We had a tiny pocket hanky sized garden in London and managed to have some large toads there. Here, we have frogs... and since our fish were eaten a couple of years ago, by an Otter, we now have an absolutely huge number of tadpoles! There were over 100 frogs courting this spring...!
india flint said…
lovely toadies!
Sehat Alami said…
Hai, Salam kenal. Saya ingin menjadi sahabatmu. Saya tinggal di Indonesia.
WaM said…

I like that toad, Is it Venomous, I mean the toad skins?

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