Au Revoir

I am slowly, slowly and rather painfully dragging my corpse over the finishing line. I was last in France in the May half term, shortly after the Open Meeting regarding the closure of the school. I returned to England with heavy heart knowing the next couple of months were going to be intense and hard. It is quarter to one in the morning, my father's birthday now - Happy Birthday dearest Pa, 79 today, seeming 10 years younger. I have packing still to do, admin to finish off, piles of crap to put in order before departure tomorrow lunchtime. Dramas involving lost mobile phones, cars and garages, and the wrong contact lenses delivered put pay to my two 'clear' days for packing and organising. At least my Tatton Park plants are planted and the cat feeder organised. Card made and flowers picked for new baby at the pub. Not just any old new baby, mind - one that happened to be popping by for a pint. No,no, the publicans are new parents for the first time. Lily Jackson (old family name - not a hermaphrodite). New life, old life. 0 years, 79 years. Both just as precious.

My friend called from France and told me the weather's just come good. Thank God. Any more rain and I would be swinging by my neck from one of the many pine trees on offer in Les Landes. I truly believe this 'summer' is actually worse than winter. But I must be thankful for small mercies - we live on a hill, at least. And in Derbyshire, not Gloucestershire. Which reminds me, I should have phoned my friend who lives there just to check she's not drowning...

So off to France it is. It will be a stressful morning. Much shouting no doubt. But, come supper time, we will be bobbing on the briny (in a force 10 gale and torrential rain, according to the forecast). At least, though, we will be away. Off. On our hols. We will put the children to bed and enjoy our supper (as long as not too many people are throwing up around us, of course).

In France we shall celebrate some more birthdays - my Godson's 10th, G's 7th, my mother's 71st and my brother's 46th. We will raise glasses and open presents and light candles across the generations. Hopefully the sun will shine, we shall surf and sunbathe, we shall eat, drink and be merry. God willing.
So, au revoir, my friends, for now. I shall return before I know it, with another raft of summer memories for my 44th year of life. Another month older, my experiences subtly changing me. Refreshed, renewed. Ready to start again.


Elizabethd said…
Have a wonderful holiday. The weather is good in Brittany today, long may it last!
Faith said…
Have a lovely time, with all those birthdays it should be memorable.
Anonymous said…
You have a very busy time to look forward to. I will be thinking of you and hoping you have a wonderful time. Happy Birthday to all those involved. Including your pa.

Safe Journey, Crystal xx
Norma Murray said…
Have a wonderful break and what sounds like a well earned rest, even with all those birthdays...
countrymousie said…
Have a great time - take care and relax. Take lots of pics and blog like crazy when you get back - love mousie
Cait O'Connor said…
Lovely blog
Have a great time in France, I am very envious.
Au revoir,
Suffolkmum said…
Have a wonderful time, have just got back from France myself, it really recharged my batteries. Happy birthday to all.
Woozle1967 said…
Hope you had a wonderful holiday. Pity you were away for Bakewell Show - you could've come and said "Hello!"xx
sandraj said…
hope u have a good hols. Send my love to your mum dad and bro for all their birthdays.Italian weather was great hope it is as good in france. love s x
Exmoorjane said…
Do hope you have a fabulous time and manage to put all the worry behind you at least for a while. Come back refreshed and ready for the fray.... Many Happy Birthdays to all.... jxx
Milkmaid said…
Hope you have a brill holiday, you'll be nearly half way through now, late in catching up with blogs as usual, very envious of all these lovely French leaves
Exmoorjane said…
C'mon HoH, time for a new blog methinks....need to catch up on your news. Our campaign to save our local cinema has failed - the boards are up....hoping wildly that the news on yours is much better. jx

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